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BGS Group

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ABOUT US BGS Group is the team of professionals with solid experience in organization of business events in energy sector. Companies from more than 20 countries already do business with BGS and their number is extending every year. Having partners among governmental structures and leading energy companies BGS is orienting in creation of brand new business platforms for sharing the experience and networking. OUR MISSION AND VISION Each event is being prepared during a year by analytics, project and sales departments. The congresses and the exhibitions are dedicated to the latest trends and issues. Top managers and key specialists of the world leading companies take part in our events and the main purpose for us is to create the most comfortable business platform for negotiations. We are looking forward to long-term cooperation and do everything for our clients to get the maximum benefit of participation. BGS Group. Brand that guarantees success.We are working with the leading companies in energy sector like Shell, Gazprom, Mitsubishi, Total, ExxonMobil, General Electrics, ABB, Honeywell and many others.

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  Официальный сайт: job.bgs-group.eu

Сферы деятельности BGS Group:

Ближайшие города от Алматы