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Cataloxy Алматы...Фирмы АлматыK&S Hire

K&S Hire

K&S - hire carefully vetted freelancers internationally without any restrictions

K&S Hire is a Kazakhstan-based startup that matches talented IT professionals with companies all over the world.Our goals: provide companies with great IT talents to enable quick growth and achievement of the targets on their roadmap; provide better working opportunities for talented IT professionals on interesting and challenging projects with an above average compensation. Our storyDmitriy, one of the founders of the company, who is originally from Kazakhstan, was living and working in Germany for about 9 years. Even given that Dmitriy had reached senior positions at big international companies he had become gradually frustrated with the limitations typical for European countries. Among others: tax rates up to 42%, extreme levels of bureaucracy (getting your visa handled can take up to 6 months of waiting time), lack of timely medical services etc. Adding to that some cultural differences and distance from the family made him search for solutions that will allow combining work at international companies with great compensation, and at the same time lower taxes rates and the familiar setting of the home country. So Dmitriy in collaboration with his friend Nina founded a company that allows talented professionals to solve these problems by working remotely from anywhere in the world.

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  Официальный сайт: ks-hire.com

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