We are blockchain infrastructure development company, who is currently building KAGOME Polkadot Host implementation written in C++, in partnership with the Web3 Foundation
Quadrivium (qdrvm.io) - амбициозный стартап, занимающийся разработкой передовой Web3 инфраструктуры. Наш главный проект, Kagome, это передовая реализация клиента Polkadot на языке C++ для запуска валидирующей ноды блокчейн сети. Мы стремимся создать инновационные решения, которые изменят индустрию. The Quadrivium team has been actively contributing to the Polkadot ecosystem for over 5 years. Previously, team members were involved in the development of the Hyperledger Iroha blockchain platform, which was used to build the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) of Cambodia.
Quadrivium is committed to open source development and actively contributes to the Polkadot and Libp2p communities. The team believes in the power of collaboration and is always looking for ways to share knowledge and expertise.
The team is composed of experienced engineers with a strong background in blockchain technology, including C++, Rust, and Substrate. They have a proven ability to deliver high-quality, secure software.
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