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Royal Language & Management Consulting

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ТОО Royalstaff management consulting. Кадровое агентство. We are a business management consulting practice serving clients across Africa. We work in all major sectors of the economy and levels of government engaging highly trained and sector-experienced consultants. Royalsmc is a wholly owned British African firm with corresponding offices in Bedford, Lagos and Johannesburg. Established in 1999, we offer an array of business and management consulting services to government and corporate organizations.
Our focus is on creating and managing change in organizations by formulating and implementing customer focused strategies. Over the years, we have been engaged on a wide range of assignments principally to help clients realize projects, to improve efficiency and to build human capacity. We draw our competitive strength from collaborations with global partnership firms in Europe, UAE Dubai, Quatar, India, Pakistan and Africa. Our delivery skills reflect our highly competitive recruitment of bright, vibrant and experienced consultants whose competence we continuously enhance through intensive training in the use of our proprietary management tools and techniques

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  Официальный сайт: www.Royalsmc.kz

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