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Вакансия Product manager (maternity leave position)

ID: 1066582598   0

Product manager (maternity leave position), Алматы

Зарплата: договорная

Сводная информация

Должность: Product manager (maternity leave position)
Опубликована: 18.02.2025. Актуальна до: 19.04.2025
Сферы деятельности: Маркетинг, реклама, PR
График работы: полный день
Пол: любой
Образование: неважно
Опыт работы: от 3 до 5 лет
  Вакансия от партнера

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Описание вакансии

Product manager (maternity leave)

As the Product manager of prescription drugs, you’ll have the chance to develop annual marketing plans and coordinate their successful implementation and to grow the long term sales, profit and market share position for assigned products.

What You’ll Do

  • Diagnose and analyze brand, market and competitors.
  • Develop brand/market strategy with specific timelines, budgets and stakeholder responsibilities, aligned with global strategy.
  • To translate the strategy into tactics, clearly define and distribute responsibilities among team members who perform different functions.
  • To coordinate/manage the process of implementation of a marketing plan by teams with different functions (sales, etc.).
  • Perform forecasting and budgeting.
  • Use monitoring data for feedback and propose strategic planning/tactics adjustment.
  • To manage interaction with the Sales Group.
  • To develop, implement and regularly update product trainings for Sales Force

Required Qualifications

  • Medical or Pharmaceutical University degree is preferable
  • At least 3 years of Product Management
  • Intermediate English spoken and written
  • Efficient Computer Skills.

Немного о компании Abbott Laboratories C.A. in Kazakhstan

Learn more about Abbott, the global healthcare company that conducts innovative research and manufactures products for human health through every life stage. Подробнее»

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